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Super Tennis

Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets Conquering SNES Games

Perfect player
Be powered up

Perfect player

During a match, press Select to access the score and stats. Then, on Controller 2, press the R button twice, Left, Down, B, A, then the L button twice. You'll hear applause indicating the code was entered correctly. Press A or B on Controller 1, and a bunch of letters and numbers representing the players' abilities will appear. The single digit above the others represents the player being edited. The number will be one less than the player number (e.g. 0 represents player 1) The four rows of 8 digits range from 0-F, with 0 being the lowest and F being the highest. Use the X Button to increase all the numbers and letters to "F" for a perfect player!

Be powered up

Highlight any player's name at the Player Select screen and press L, L, L, L, L, X, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, X on Controller 2. Your player will be powered up. Click here


Sent in by Eugene Curtis JSTK8XD3HRFTLW JPC2GNYBQ14065 Play as Matt against Don J in an Exhibition Match. C6PDJSTK8XD3HR FTL6WNLZJP
WSLWNS7 N8R13YJ BMNYLW4 9297HGW HLX?L8X D3HRFTL WJPQ5TV 1LG Matt, New York Finals PC2GNYB Q14065C TLWJPC2 GNYBQ14 6PDJSTK 8XD3HRF 065QJNM FTW Secret Exhibition Tournament K8XD3HR FTLWJPC 2GNYBQ1 4065C6P DJSTK8X D3HRFTL WJPPDLW 1RK Battle against Don To see the ending screen and be a winner in every tournament as 'AMY', enter the first code below. You will have to win the New York Open, which is the final game. The second set of codes will get you to the championship with the maximum number of points. 08QCMVF RHRMSYY K8Xd3Hr Ftlwjpc RHYH9QX J0VYQYH Zgnybq1 4065C6P 4HR0CQ1 4065C6P Djstk8X D3Hrftl DJSSSRL MM8 Wjpukmw Igg

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