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The Peace Keepers

Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets Conquering SNES Games

Cannon blast
Keep the airplane flying
Quit battle mode
Be the same characters
Select any of the six characters
Super powers
Story Mode


Sent in by Norfleet To get the hidden character, Norton, let the plane crash on the airport stage instead of destroying the machines. About midway through the next stage you will run into Nornton and he will ask to join you. I advise you to take this route because Norton is the best character in the game. Click here

Cannon blast

Sent in by Norfleet When playing as Al press X + A, then press B when his tornado move starts and he will do a cannon blast.

Keep the airplane flying

Sent in by Norfleet To keep the airplane flying at the airport stage, select Al so you can use his spinning fist move to destroy the two machines in the cockpit. This works best if you stand directly in between the two machines.

Quit battle mode

Sent in by Quy Doan To quit battle mode, when the scoreboard appears, press Select.

Be the same characters

At the title screen, highlight 1-Player, and hold L + R + Down on both Controllers. The cursor should move over to 2-Player; press Start on Controller 1. Both players can be the same.

Select any of the six characters

To select any of the six characters from the start, hold down L, R, and A, on Controller 1 and then turn on the power. Keep them down until the Press Start comes up on the Title Screen, then enter the one or two player Story game.

Super powers

If you're using Flynn, wait until your life meter is almost empty, face Right, hold R, then press Down, Down/Right, Right, and X. Your character will turn red and float around the room, giving you incredible super powers for a limited time.

Story Mode

When the name "Jaleco" appears, hold the L, R and A Buttons, then press Start. Now, you will can pick Norton or Orbot to begin with in the Story Mode.

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