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Nobunagas Ambition

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Large amount of land and soldiers

Large amount of land and soldiers

Sent in by John Doe Select 8 players and choose the province you want. Then from the province you selected send the others that you control demands to become your fief, then select yes. From here you will have a large amount of land and soldiers. You can conquer or try to force the computer to surrender too.


Sent in by Phil You can't risk an attack without waiting for all your opponents to weaken themselves, yet if one of your opponents conquers too many provinces, you are in trouble! It is also difficult to make money in this game without letting your opponents run wild. Note that you can play as 8 players. I always pick 8 players, 8 nations that are adjacent to each other (like most of the top part of Japan or the southwestern tip) and play as the one that I rolled the best scores for. I have each of the other 7 attack a neighbor in that number, bringing over just 1 troop with minimum funds and food, moving the defender off the palace and moving the attacker onto it, winning without bloodshed. The last one of the 7 must end up in a province adjacent to the one I want to play as. I then take the general I wish to play as and conquer the flunky in the same way. This lets me start with 8 provinces full of troops while most of my opponents have less. Then I just move most of the resources to the front line and put my general there. At that point I force my provinces that are not adjacent to enemies to adopt agrarian or monetary policies and let them fund my war effort. Not one of their better games.

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