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Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games

More time
Warp to the end of the level
Pick your level

More time

Sent in by SuperDude Get the password. Hit reset. Enter the password, but change the first number to the number of days you want (0-60, 0-55 recommended), and add forty to it. You'll have more time now.

Warp to the end of the level

At any time during the game, pause it. Then press Up and Left, and A and B at the same time. When you press Start again, you will fly off to the end of the Stage.

Pick your level

To pick your Level, simultaneously push Up and Left while resetting the game. Next, simultaneously press A, B, and Select. This takes you to a Configuration Mode screen that lets you pick any Level and alter the difficulty of the game.

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