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Ghosts N Goblins

Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games

Cross Weapon warning
Secret message
Stage select

Cross Weapon warning

Sent in by Tom V. Do not complete stage 6 without the cross! If you forget this, you will be sent back to stage 5 when you finish stage 6 (bad). The cross is a weak weapon, so try to avoid taking it until you have to--like just before you fight the boss (you can backtrack to find a cross near the bottom).

Secret message

After beating both quests of the game, press A, B, Up, Down, A, B, Left, Right for a secret message.

Stage select

Do the following on the Title screen before the demo starts playing: Hold Right, and press B three times. Press Up and release it. Press B three times. Press Left and release it. Press B three times. Press Down and release it. Press B three times. Press Start and a number and letter will appear in the middle of the screen. Use the A and B to change the numbers to the stage you'd like to start on. Press Start to begin the game.

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