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Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games

Beat the first boss
Tip on fighting the Madusa boss
Go to Ceasar with zero energy
Stage Select
Be invincible
Game Genie codes

Beat the first boss

Sent in by Derek To beat the first boss, wait until your power goes to its highest and then stab the dragon in the head. Repeat this process until the dragon is dead avoiding his attacks. Now when the dragon is dead the skeleton riding it will fight you. Move toward him and he will move back when he is all the way back go to him duck and stab him every time right before he hits the ground he should be in the air the whole time an cannot hurt you.

Tip on fighting the Madusa boss

Sent in by Derek To beat this boss (boss with the snakes on its head) you have to stab the little red jewl. Every time it disappears, stand on the other side of the screen and face the wall. The boss should come out then you have a chance to duck down and hit the jewl. (Make sure your power is all the way up and then hit it. Then you should be able to let your power go back up and hit it 1 more time.) Hit the lowest snake in the air then jump over the other one and don't get hit by the boss.

Go to Ceasar with zero energy

Sent in by Nad At the end of the first level when you are beating the snake boss, if you both kill each other at the same time, he will explode like usual, and you will fall down and get back up again. Now you can go on to Ceasar with zero energy.

Stage Select

At the Title Screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right, B, B, B, B, Start, for a Stage Select.

Be invincible

At the Title Screen, press Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Start, to be invincible.

Game Genie codes

Sent in by Flash AKTSPP All enemies are invincible. AUAKGP Can't see how much life, weapon or spell power you have. AGISOT The things those green balls drop don't hurt you. NNPPIS Intro music is changed. SVLGTX Start with a weapon power upgrade!!

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