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Twin Cobra

Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games
SZVSGXVK Infinite lives SZNYXOVK Infinite bombs AEUGZIZA Start with 1 life IEUGZIZA Start with 6 lives AEUGZIZE Start with 9 lives AANKLTZA Start with 1 life after a continue IANKLTZA Start with 6 lives after a continue AANKLTZE Start with 9 lives after a continue AAKKYTPA Infinite continues PEOKIIIE 9 continues ZAEGKILE Start with 9 bombs GPEGKILA Start with 20 bombs ZANIAZLE 9 bombs after dying GPNIAZLA 20 bombs after dying AAOYVOLP Autofire GZNITZSA Keep weapon type after death GZNSAZSA Keep super chargers after death

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff