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The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy

Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games
SXVIAAVG Infinite lives PAOAZAZE Start with 10 lives AAVYPXAA Spiders, bats, ants and rats do no damage ZEKYVZGV Start with 10 stars instead of 100 The rest of the codes are only for playing the sub games. Once you have used them, you must turn the power off and back on to play the main game Dizzy must first leave hic cabin before you can play the sub games. YYUZPSTE Play bubble sub-game only TYUZPSTE Play river sub-game only IYUZPSTE Play mine sub-game only ZYUZPSTE Play puzzle sub-game ony

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff