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Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games
GXUVTKVK Infinite lives AZNZEYAE Lots of erasers LEVLGZPA Start with 3 bombs TEVLGZPA Start with 6 bombs PEVLGZPE Start with 9 bombs SXSTOTVG Infinite bombs SXVVKTVG Infinite erasers PEKGYAZA + PAKZKYZA Start with 2 lives TEKGYAZA + TAKZKYZA Start with 7 lives PEKGYAZE + PAKZKYZE Start with 10 lives LEKKGAPA + LAVXXYPA Start with 3 erasers TEKKGAPA + TAVXXYPA Start with 6 erasers PEKKGAPE + PAVXXYPE Start with 9 erasers

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff