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Alien Syndrome

Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games
SZUNYXVK Infinite time GUONPPLL Set timer to 440 PAOGPIGA Both players--1 life AAOGPIGE Both players--8 lives PAVKGIAA Start with flame thrower ZAVKGIAA Start with fireball LAVKGIAA Start with laser AEEKXONY Don't lose life when shot or touched AANGVXNY Don't lose life from falling down holes PEXGGLGA 1 life after continue AEXGGLGE 8 lives after continue PENNELAP + KUNNXLAA + LENNULAZ Start on round 2 ZENNELAP + KUNNXLAA + LENNULAZ Start on round 3 LENNELAP + KUNNXLAA + LENNULAZ Start on round 4 GENNELAP + KUNNXLAA + LENNULAZ Start on round 5 IENNELAP + KUNNXLAA + LENNULAZ Start on round 6 TENNELAP + KUNNXLAA + LENNULAZ Start on round 7

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